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Who we are

Enabling a digital world

Since 2005, we have been building trust in the digital world where individuals can securely use and prove their identity and organisations can improve their business processes.

We believe that regulatory compliance should go hand in hand with innovation. So, we design our solutions to enjoy the highest level of reliability and security on the market.

Latest news
Discover below our latest news, blog articles, press releases and publications.
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LuxTrust confirms the end of the Token: a new step to increase online transactions’ security

In order to meet the rising security requirements and to facilitate access to online banking...

Image article Cybersec
Meet us at Cybersec Europe on 29 & 30 May 2024

For the third year in row, we will be present at Cybersec Europe, the...

LuxTrust and Fair&Smart join their expertise to strengthen digital trust in Europe

As part of its ongoing commitment to digital trust and data protection, LuxTrust announces the...
